Type 1

Type I Enrichment experiences are about discovering, stimulating and inspiring interest. Enrichment activities are designed to expose students to a wide variety of disciplines, topics, occupations, hobbies, persons, places, and events that would not be covered in a regular classroom. Type 1 experiences can involve the
following: Contacting speakers; arranging demonstrations, trips, and/or performances; and using varied materials such as films, slides, videos, print and non-print media, classroom discussions, interest centres and more. In Type I, students are immersed in their topic in as many different ways as possible.
Within your community, you will find many resources and people with talents that may be useful and relevant to your topic area. Students and teachers may also find websites that uncover important resources for your class. Some of the Type I activities from past Triads include: a class trip to a fencing club for Medieval Triad, an Olympic Torch Bearer guest speaker for Olympic Triad, and a visit from author Joanna Bertin for New Brunswick Triad.
In this stage, students will be introduced to people, issues, places, and events related to their topic. They will also be introduced to additional topics that are not covered in the regular curriculum. Type I allows students to begin to expand their knowledge on their chosen topic. At this time students are questioning and determining what they wish to explore. The teacher should foster these questions and help students to find answers to their inquiries. Questioning can be done through brainstorming as a class, individually, or by having a question box in the classroom. Teachers must be certain to provide students time to research their questions, and guide them towards their answers in a timely manner. Being unable to find answers to their queries may lead to the student feeling discouraged or may hinder a topic of interest that they might wish to research further.
Over the course of Type I, students will continue adding to the Interest Development Centre, which is an area in the classroom devoted to Triad. In this area, students accumulate and add resources pertaining to the topic. By providing students with many dynamic opportunities and avenues to learn about their topic, they can begin to determine specific areas that are of interest to them and that they may wish to pursue further in Type II Enrichment.
The amount of time you have to complete Triad determines the amount of time that you can spend in this stage; however, this stage should not be hurried because it is the foundation of the students’ learning. Type I activities will continue to be present in the classroom throughout the remainder of the Triad process.
While working through Type I and Type II, the teacher can model a presentation similar to what will be completed in Type III. This will give students an idea of the direction they are heading and will get them thinking of the end result. The teacher can also show samples of previously completed Triad Celebrations, to allow students to experience a celebration. By giving students an idea of what will happen at the end of Triad, they are more prepared to map out their journey to becoming an expert in their topic area.
following: Contacting speakers; arranging demonstrations, trips, and/or performances; and using varied materials such as films, slides, videos, print and non-print media, classroom discussions, interest centres and more. In Type I, students are immersed in their topic in as many different ways as possible.
Within your community, you will find many resources and people with talents that may be useful and relevant to your topic area. Students and teachers may also find websites that uncover important resources for your class. Some of the Type I activities from past Triads include: a class trip to a fencing club for Medieval Triad, an Olympic Torch Bearer guest speaker for Olympic Triad, and a visit from author Joanna Bertin for New Brunswick Triad.
In this stage, students will be introduced to people, issues, places, and events related to their topic. They will also be introduced to additional topics that are not covered in the regular curriculum. Type I allows students to begin to expand their knowledge on their chosen topic. At this time students are questioning and determining what they wish to explore. The teacher should foster these questions and help students to find answers to their inquiries. Questioning can be done through brainstorming as a class, individually, or by having a question box in the classroom. Teachers must be certain to provide students time to research their questions, and guide them towards their answers in a timely manner. Being unable to find answers to their queries may lead to the student feeling discouraged or may hinder a topic of interest that they might wish to research further.
Over the course of Type I, students will continue adding to the Interest Development Centre, which is an area in the classroom devoted to Triad. In this area, students accumulate and add resources pertaining to the topic. By providing students with many dynamic opportunities and avenues to learn about their topic, they can begin to determine specific areas that are of interest to them and that they may wish to pursue further in Type II Enrichment.
The amount of time you have to complete Triad determines the amount of time that you can spend in this stage; however, this stage should not be hurried because it is the foundation of the students’ learning. Type I activities will continue to be present in the classroom throughout the remainder of the Triad process.
While working through Type I and Type II, the teacher can model a presentation similar to what will be completed in Type III. This will give students an idea of the direction they are heading and will get them thinking of the end result. The teacher can also show samples of previously completed Triad Celebrations, to allow students to experience a celebration. By giving students an idea of what will happen at the end of Triad, they are more prepared to map out their journey to becoming an expert in their topic area.