Parent Feedback
Below are some excerpts from the feedback received from parents:
“It has been the first time he has wanted to go to school and has tried to learn. I wish this program had been available five-years ago. It has given him the confidence to explore new things, given him a thirst for knowledge, and a newfound drive to succeed in school. Thank-you for opening doors to a new learning method for my son. For that I will be forever grateful.”
“The project gives kids a level playing field in that they all do the work with limited help from home.”
“The children learned that one subject may have different ways of being researched and delivery of the information can be given in many forms. These children have seen the benefits of working together and at the same time learned that everyone is unique in how they retain and present information.”
“She has thoroughly enjoyed being able to draw so many Medieval dresses as well as many other things. She has definitely gotten a lot better at her drawings form this experience.”
“Since my child was involved in the Triad, I have found that he seems to be more concerned with the value of work that he does, not the quantity. He takes more time to consider all the facts and steps involved in completing the assignment before rushing to complete it as soon as he can, which was his normal way of doing assignments . . . I highly recommend that Triad be continued in our schools so that other children can find out how great it is to learn by pushing forward with their own ideas.”
“It gives her an opportunity to use her natural talent and explore her method of learning. I believe the program is successful in grasping children’s interest.”
“It is through the Triad program and the Enrichment experience that she has found passion for publicly performing and educating . . . [and] has encouraged her to rethink her future. She has decided that in addition to pursuing a career in medicine, she would like to take her career into a direction that will allow her to be in front of an audience, possibly lecturing or teaching. In essence the Triad program has awoken a passion that will have a direct impact on shaping her future.”