Providing Differentiation through the Enrichment Triad Model
Students arrive in our classrooms with a variety of learning styles, prior educational experiences, interests, motivators, personal experiences and readiness levels. As teachers, we have a responsibility to recognize the individuals in our classrooms and to respond accordingly. The Enrichment Triad Model encourages the utilization of a wide variety of teaching strategies, the development of students’ interests, and multiple opportunities for student choice. As such, it helps teachers to make meaningful connections and differentiates the curriculum for all students.
The Enrichment Triad Model targets individual interests, talents, strengths, and passions, providing the opportunity for teachers to allow students the freedom to run with whatever ignites their interest. It is one of the best models for engaging students in learning and creating a desire to learn more. The choices for student learning are endless in Triad, and therefore students must learn how to make decisions and problem solve. Triad is differentiated instruction in action.
Using the Triad model guarantees differentiation for all learning abilities in the classroom. In the beginning, students come to discover their own learning styles and develop an understanding of how they learn best. Through Triad, students are given the choice on what they create and the topic that they research. Essentially, students choose their own way to demonstrate their strengths and to show their understanding. Since students are given the choice in what they research, Triad challenges all students at an appropriate level.
Many students learn best by experiencing what they are learning and the Triad Model facilitates the learning styles of all students by giving them the opportunity to put their knowledge and strenghts into their work. Within Triad, students have the opportunity to learn by doing.